This is the Lightning Eagle, a paper airplane designed by Kyle, a 7 year old boy. The design is based on the classic dart and makes an awesome distance paper airplane. After completing this tutorial, why not grab some color pencils and give it additional flare?
Difficulty Level: Simple. It’s an easy bird paper airplane to make.
Time: 1-2 minutes.
Flying Tip #1: Before launching the Lightning Eagle and letting it soar through the blue sky, roll the end of the wings slightly upwards. The beak causes this paper airplane to be front heavy. A slight tilt upward will help keep the nose of the paper airplane up.
Flying Tip #2: As with all paper planes you make, it’s always a good idea to tilt both wings upwards at a slight angle. This is called a dihedral angle and it helps with balancing your paper airplane in the air.
I hope the Lightning Eagle is flying well for you! If it’s not, don’t worry, it’s time you learned how to tune a paper airplane.